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Get prospective magazine readers into your app... fast

Imagine getting your magazine onto a new reader's favorite device with a single link or QR code.

One tap... one scan, and the entire process kicks off whether they're on an iOS or Android device.

One tap... your new reader is on the way.

This technology is exclusive to MagCast, and publishers are using it to amp up their installs, subscribers, individual issue sales, and readership numbers. Read on to find out how.

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One Link to Increase Magazine Readership?

Before we get into the nitty gritty, let's start with some context:

The two biggest challenges nearly all marketers—magazine and otherwise—face are:

  1. Getting qualified prospects
  2. Increasing conversions

If one tool could solve BOTH of those problems, you've got something pretty special

(Backstory: I've been in online marketing, professionally, since 1997. I predate Google. Long story short, over all those years I've seen a lot, so when I say something is impressive, it genuinely is.)

Think about OTAI as four steps:

  1. A publisher and a marketing partner agree to run a promotion together.

    The publisher offers to have the marketing partner give away the publisher's current magazine issue, along with two recent back issues.

    The publisher sets the parameters they want and generates a link and QR code via MagCast or
  2. The marketing partner shares the promo link / QR code with their tribe announcing the exclusive discount / free arrangement they've just worked out with the publisher just for their audience.
  3. Prospective readers tap the OTAI™ link or scan the QR code from their Android phone/tablet, iPhone, or iPad.
  4. The link automatically:
    • detects what kind of device they're on
    • finds the publishers magazine in the right Store
    • prompts them to download
    • installs on their device
    • unlocks the free issue(s) specified by the publisher.

And, there are a million ways to do use OTAI™ to increase readership both independently of marketing partners or with them:

  1. conferences
  2. emails
  3. postcards
  4. order inserts
  5. influencers
  6. posters
  7. postcards
  8. fliers
  9. ... you name it. One tap. Done.

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It's that easy to get access to your magazine app?

Yep. No codes to enter, no passwords to forget. The magazine icon lives on a device that goes everywhere with them. One tap.

Powerful. Simple. Easy to use.

Yes, and no other digital magazine publishing platform on the planet has the technology.

Now, let's look at the marketing power of OTAI™.

Say you have a fly fishing magazine called "Western Fly Fishing Magazine" (a good made up name, right?).

How many installs could you pick up by simply handing out fliers at an outdoor sporting show?

Better yet, how much would it cost you to send a box of fliers to a local kid, cover their admission, plus a stipend for lunch, and pay them per install?

Now you're thinking, but let's go bigger.

As publisher of Western Fly Fishing Magazine, the event organizer, the company holding these events all across the region or country, they'll take your phone call.

Cut a deal with the organizer and see how many readers you can get targeting the entire show circuit.

"Hi there Event Organizer, I'd like to offer three free issues of Western Fly Fishing Magazine to every show attendee this year, across your whole circuit. Can we talk?"

Now we're marketing a magazine!

After the success of your outdoor sporting show promotion, take your new readership numbers to potential advertisers and start depositing checks!

Like I said above, there are a million ways to get your link and QR code in front of people, and all they have to do to install your magazine app and become your reader is tap or scan.

If you're in marketing, and you're not salivating right now, I'd check your pulse.

And, because I know you're wondering, starting a digital magazine is easier than you think. You have what it takes, and we're here to help, every step of the way.

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Every month, everyday people just like you start successful magazines with MagCast.

Why not make your next leap a leap of confidence?

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